How to Create a New Baidu Account?
Two ways to do it.
1. Just register a new Baidu account at:
2. Do it using Baidu app and QR code.
Once you have your Baidu account, you can start using Baidu's web properties including Baidu Zhidao, Pan, Wenku, Baike, etc.
The Baidu account will let you log onto your Baidu webmaster tool, if you manage (or run) a Chinese website.
Without a China number, how can I can register a new Baidu account? It's not possible. You must have a China mobile number.
I live outside of China, how can I sign up a Baidu account? Ask your friend (who lives in China) to buy you a China number, and help you with the registration.
The original post can be found on - Register Baidu account.
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